Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Prayer couch

Thought I would show my deeper side here (beyond the puke!)... It's been a hard move for us to come to Atlanta. We watched God do a series of miracles (nothing less than miracles!) to make the way open for us to move here. We never imagined that God would send us to Atlanta... we always said when we were dating and first married that we couldn't imagine living in KS forever.. yet we couldn't imagine where we would just decide to go. Then in a series of 3 months, it was so clear that He was paving a way for us to come here. It was so scary and so exciting.... So sad to leave our friends, our neighbors, our church... all that we had known as a married couple and a family. YET, we had such a peace through it all that He was leading us.

Fast forward to this week.. 10 days here, 3 bouts of the flu, disastrous movers, feeling friendless and alone often, still waiting on our house in KS to be rented, technological disasters... we both began to feel very discouraged and alone. I know we've both wondered all of a sudden "Did we do the right thing?". It was so hard visiting a new church Sunday and feeling suddenly so absent from our friends, our church family, our style of worshipping....

In the midst of it all, I felt such a strong calling today to just get on my knees and fall into Jesus. Let me be brutally honest here, and say that I don't 'fall on my knees' as often as I want to or as I should. Our bed is tall - so it's too tall to actually kneel... so I pray before bed, as we lay there.. and more often than I'd like to admit - I fall asleep during prayer. Well, our bedroom here is now large enough we have a small three seater couch. I have decided this will become our "prayer couch". It's in a corner where you can't see the TV, it faces a window of light - so I felt God actually shining warmth on me. He gave me some gentle and some not-so-gentle reminders to not be an Isrealite. He did so many miracles for them to get them out of Egypt and then all they did was complain.... So mark me an "I" for Isrealite.. but I intend to not be one anymore. Just because it's been a rough move and I feel alone, doesn't for a second mean that God didn't lead us here. In fact, I feel like He moved us "apart" so that we could move towards Him. He removed us from so many distractions in our lives, so many things that pull at our attention, so that we could re-focus our attention on Him and our family. I am so thankful to have that in my life - to have someone to run to for help and a reminder that someone else is in control... that sure does release the stress off of ourselves to realize it's not all me!

Please continue to pray for us, and know that as I am at my new prayer couch, I will be praying for you.

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