Sunday, August 31, 2008

Georgia has some perks!

Well, you can see from the pictures that we rented a boat on Saturday for half a day at Lake Allatoona. It took us exactly 15 MINUTES to get from our house to the boat dock... I think I just found a HUGE perk to living where we do! We had SOOO much fun yesterday on the boat. We swam and fished and drove around... just relaxed and enjoyed having Grandpa here. Trinity was an angel and slept on the floor of the boat for an hour even. We caught a few little fish (which the boys had fun 'petting') and it was just all around fun. After living somewhere that you had to drive 2+ hours to camp and boat, etc.. it's amazing that this is literally minutes from our door! Obviously, we can't afford to rent a boat on a regular basis, but it sure will be fun for special occasions! It was probably the most fun day we've had since we moved, and I almost felt like it was 'home' in some ways.... We're getting there, a step at a time.
I think it helps that Grandpa is here this weekend too! It's feels much more like home having my dad here... so please add that to your prayer list. He can't move without a job, so we need a job for him ASAP! We have a full, finished basement - which is basically an apartment and it's just waiting for him! I think the Chinese have something right in that concept where their grandparents/parents live with them.
We also had a fantastic Sunday. We visited First Baptist Church of Woodstock, and although we've never been Baptist, it was a great service. For us, it's VERY large, ...I'd say thousands of people... so that would be a big change, but other than just getting used to the size, we felt very at home and really enjoyed the service. We missed part of the worship service getting the kids checked into childrens' church... (which they loved), but really we enjoyed it - and that feels REALLY good to say! I know we'll visit again next week and maybe even more.. It would really be different to attend somewhere that big, and we've always been rather "anti-megachurch", but you never know where God wants you.. so we'll see! But it was really nice to be somewhere that we did at least feel 'at home'. :)

Really, it's been a great weekend - and it's not over!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A blessing!!!

Okay, make that many blessings... the little girl in this picture is one! :) This was from today... sorry for the fuzziness, but she just doesn't hold still very long anymore! Trinity has learned to wave on command and clap, as well as calling the dog. HA! I am not kidding. She yells "Bahhh" (for Bear) and then makes a kissing noise. Quite hysterical. I'll have to try to get it in video. I don't know many 9.999 month olds who call their dog!

But, God was granting me some favor today and reminded me that we're not alone! :) After the below mentioned phone call from Christian's teacher (which by the way, he never had a good reason for having said his Dad died.... We chose to 'let that one go' and maybe when he's 18, he can explain it!), I was sending her a follow up email today. I had also gone through some of his school papers today and one of them was an "about me" from their teachers. His teacher, Mrs. Massengale, had put in her "favorite music" category that she liked contemporary Christian music. WHAT? :) So I grabbed on and held on for dear life. In my email to her, I mentioned that I really enjoyed getting to know more about her and that I thought, based on her comment about music, that we share similar beliefs. Lo and behold, there ARE some other Christian's in Georgia! (YES, I am using sarcasm! HA!) AND, (Hold on to your drawers), she invited us to try their church! Yippee! :)
I want to also mention that there are 7 or 9 (can't remember) kindergarten classes in Christian's school. Yep, you heard me right. And, of all those classes and teachers, Christian was placed in HER class. Thank you, God. :) I'm so very delighted to find out he has a wonderful teacher... and to have been invited to someone's church! I believe we will be going there this Sunday, so cross your fingers! On a less sarcastic note, I really was encouraged to have found someone (especially someone who has influence on my child and whom he sees 5 days a week) who is verbal about their faith and has invited us to their church!

Crazy days in GA

Well, the younger kids and I tried a new place today called "Java Jumps". It's the most fantastic idea ever!! It's a coffee shop that is half coffee shop and half blow-up jumping toys for kids. Did I mention it's the most novel concept?? You pay a small fee for your kids to jump and then you sit and drink your coffee while watching them. HELLO, I found my new favorite place! :) I might be exaggerating a little, but it is quite cool. Michael and Ethan had a chance to jump to their heart's content and I was able to sit with Trinity and chill out. It was very quiet there today and I met a lady who was there with her 4 year old granddaughter. We sat and chatted the whole hour and a half we were there... and let me just say how much I enjoyed conversation with a perfect stranger! Either I'm desperate for adult conversation or God is stretching me (or a little of both!). Her grandaughter was adopted from China, and we talked about kids and raising them and just a whole variety of things. Let me just say that in Kansas, I would have been on a playdate with a friend and probably wouldn't have felt the need to talk to a stranger... and yet, it was strangely refreshing. Again, very "Prayer of Jabez"-esque.... Moving to a place where I know no one, is teaching me to be more open and oh... what's the word - agreeable, maybe? After 13 years of living in the same area, I felt very comfortable with my group of friends and with who I was.... and now, God is definitely doing a work in me, about meeting new people, sharing myself and trying to learn more about them. I'm excited to see how God uses me and how I can be a better friend and a better 'person' to the people around me. It's not all that fun all the time, but it kind of feels good too. Very much like the soreness you get when you start working out after a long break. It hurts and it's sore, but it also feels good because you know you're doing something good for your body....

On an absolutely CRAZY note.. We got home from Java Jumps and Christian's teacher calls me. She asked if everything was alright at home... to which I replied yes. Apparently, Christian told an aide and his teacher that his Dad died last night! HELLO - YES, that his dad died! First off, GOD FORBID that happened, he certainly wouldn't be at school the next day!!!!!! Secondly, if for some absurd reason he WAS at school, I would have called his teacher the first thing and forewarned her. HOLY COW! I honestly cannot think of a single good reason he would say that (maybe he had a bad dream or something!), but you can be sure we'll be talking about it when he gets home!!! I'm not so much mad or upset, as I am completely mystified!!! I don't know if it's an attempt to get attention because of all the changes or what, but HELLO!!!! Philip got him dressed and on the school bus this morning, so he was as alive as could be! I should probably write this one down somewhere, cause its one for the books!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Attitude adjustment.

After a week of praying, "God, send me a friend"...."God tell me why we had to move"... etc, etc. (Think, whining Isrealite!), I've decided to change my perspective. I gave myself an attitude adjustment this week and in the "Prayer of Jabez" mindset (great reading for anyone who's never read it), I'm trying to start praying instead "God, send me to be a friend to someone who needs it". "God, show me ways to make the best of living here", "God, use me in someway to be a light in the middle of this area". I say all that because it's been somewhat of a culture shock. I guess I never realized that we really did live in the middle of the Bible Belt in the midwest. There were christian people everywhere we went.... and now I feel like I live in the middle of a dry desert. I honest to goodness don't know that I've met one single person who I can identify as a christian, outside of the two families we already knew when we moved here. I know there were christian people in the churches we visited (but, heck, it would be pretty sad if you went to church and there wasn't!).... I'm talking about all the neighbors we've met, people at the stores, ANYWHERE! We constantly talk about "When we went to church Sunday" or "We're looking for churches to visit"... In Kansas, people would've usually struck up a conversation about "Oh, we go here, or we have friends who love this church.". Honest to goodness, people here look at me like I'm from another planet when I talk about going to church. It's a really hard thing and a really good thing. Nothing like reaffirming what you believe and why when you're the only one who believes it! :) I still believe God has 'Drawn up apart to draw us close and to draw us together'... But after 3 1/2 weeks of spending all day with 2 toddlers and a baby, a girlfriend would be nice! :)

I keep thinking that when we find a church, it will be different and we'll make friends there. We probably will, and I hope we will....but it may be a few months before we find the church that feels like home. So, in the meantime, I might need to broaden my horizens and find a mommy group or something... instead of waiting for people to reach out to me, maybe I need to reach out to them. How will they ever know that I AM a christian if I don't live it out? So, for anyone out there that's still praying for us, please also change your prayers. Pray for me to find someone who needs me to be their friend and that we find the people around us who need us to be their light......

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Recommendations ???

After almost 5+ years, my digital camera has it's last foot out the door. :( Hence, the lack of cool pictures to share with everyone lately. So.... for less than $100 or so dollars, does anyone have any good suggestions for a digital camera? I haven't had to buy one for years, so I"m out of touch with the new offerings.

Well, I've been calling around to gyms here in the area, and have it narrowed down to the YMCA (more expensive, but possibly more to offer) and another club called Fitness 19. It's cheaper, by quite a bit, but I'm going to look at it tomorrow and see what the childcare is like. The lady on the phone sounded shocked that I would always have at least 3 kids with me (if not all 4)... so not sure if that's a good sign or not. I haven't ran or worked out in probably 6-8 weeks now and I MISS it sooo much. I figure since I have so much more time on my hands, its' a good outlet for something to do for me. So hopefully I'll get it figured out and get my booty back in shape!

I feel really emotional this week. Like, I cry at the drop of a hat... at commercials, stupid stuff. I know I'm not pregnant (Thank goodness!), so I think it just must be stress or 'decompression'... I hate feeling so out of control of my emotions! :) Another good reason I need to workout again and get myself back into order.

On a side not... Trinity is at the most delightful age... she just crawls everywhere and follows us through the house... She's starting to say more words and I've taught her the sign for "all done".. It's still amazing to me that I have a daughter! A little girl! I'm just in love!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Prayer for a friend

If you think of us, please continue to pray for us, as we adjust. Again, to find a church family. But today and last night (at my prayer couch), my new prayer is that God would bring me a friend. Gee, that sounds pitiful, but it's honest. I have and will always have the amazing friendships that God formed in Kansas City and Olathe, but I'm feeling very lonely here this week. It's odd not having someone to call for a playdate or to meet for coffee... It's been some really good time for me with Michael and Ethan, since Christian is at school. We've shared some good conversations (yes with a 2 and 4 year old), and again I know God has drawn us apart to draw us together, and to Him.... but I need an adult friend too. I miss my girlfriends. Philip is truly my best friend, but I need a girlfriend too. I know it takes time to find those and that I need to put myself out there... but if you say a prayer for me, I'd really like a girlfriend here.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another 'techy' nightmare

Well, after being knocked off-line for a couple of days, I think I'm back up and running! I kid you not, I've never had such a run of technological issues.. :( ALL our internet, cable and digital phone went out on Tuesday and it's a super long story, but it took twenty million phone calls and two days to get it back up. NOT a happy camper. My cell phone continues to only work on whichever days and hours it decides... so I spent another long list of hours on the phone trying to get it fixed, as well as a trip to a repair center with THREE kids.... until I finally called insurance this morning and I'm just gonna pay my $50 deductible and have them send me a brand new one. :( Apparently my phone thinks I'm still in KS, even though I have a GA number, address and everything else and nothing that is easy to fix can apparently tell it otherwise. So hopefully, in a few days a nice happy new phone will show up and WORK.

In the meantime, we've had Bear off to the vet to get neutered and Trinity to the doctor. Poor girl is still fighting a double ear infection, which explains why she's up twice a night and clingy as can be!

CROSSING my fingers, but no one has thrown in our house in over 5 days. YIPPEE... let's hope that continues! :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Homesick Sundays

Well we tried another new church today called Revolution. EXtreme opposite of last Sunday. The church meets in a movie theater, and they have 2 services.. we went to the 10.30 am service and there were still probably 300 people there. First off, kind of put me off to start with because as we're checking in the boys to their classes for church, the lady asked me how old Trinity was. I said 9 1/2 months and she said, "Well, let's sign her in".. I told her that I would prefer to just keep her with me because it's been a rough transition for her., etc... I was informed that they do not permit babies over 3 months in the service - EVER. Did I mention EVER? Maybe I'm kind of old school, but as a first time visitor, the choice seems like it should be mine whether I put my 9 month old in the nursery. :( I did put her in the nursery, and she seemed to be fine, but for the liberal church they are, I was rather suprised by that. I also found out that once we got into service, there is a 'special section' near the door where you can sit if you DO have a baby under 3 months with you.. and that is the ONLY section you may sit with your baby. Hmmm... I understand wanting minimal distractions, but come on people!

Anyways, onto church itself. It was very, very loud. :) Kinda felt like I was at a rock concert, although God's spirit was definitely there. Very odd for me, though. The pastor was a young guy, about our age... who was wearing holey jeans, a tshirt and tennis shoes. :) Not exactly an Assemblies church - I can tell you for sure! :) He was a very dynamic speaker and had a great sermon in a series about "If you had 30 days to live". It honestly brought me to tears at the end, and I would actually love to hear the 3rd sermon in the series - if I can get past all the rules. Very odd combination for me - VERY liberal church with lots of young people and tons of 'unchurched'.. great speaker and very modern music... but definitely still not what we're used to. (Though let me just add, it was a great service despite any complaints I might have. God's spirit was very present and we were indeed spoken to... ) And again, made me very, very homesick. So much so, that I could hardly catch my breath at the end of service because I missed home and Faith Chapel so much. I guess the hardest part of this is constantly feeling/being 'the new kid'. I haven't had to be that person for a long time, and maybe that's one thing God is trying to teach us in all that - how to be stretched beyond our comfort zone and to have more empathy for the new person in the crowd... but it's hard when we're the new ones in the neighborhood, in churches, at schools.. to not have anywhere where you walk in and just feel at home. :( We were so well established in Olathe, that honestly we felt very at home and loved in our neighborhood, our church, our dentist office, our doctor's office... everywhere. People had known us for years and had known our kids since the day they were born, seen them grow, loved them.... friends who were more like family to us than just friends.

I still have an overwhelming peace of God's presence and direction that this is where we're meant to be... but man, I sure do miss home. I long to walk into a church and go 'Ah... this feels like home." I know, in a big city like Atlanta, that God has a church home for us and I yearn to find it.

As I was thinking on this today, another thought struck me.. a reminder.... that we are indeed "foreigners in a strange land" here on Earth. Heaven is our home and maybe I needed a not-so-gentle reminder of that... that I long for a church home here, but we are also to be yearning for our Heavenly home. God wants more than anything to welcome us home there too.... and wants us to be as homesick for Him and for Heaven as I am for Kansas and Faith Chapel. Maybe He has more lessons for me in all this than I care to admit. Moving out of your comfort zone sure has opened my eyes to several things.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Before I start on anything else..... we had yet one more round of the flu!! Christian threw up again Thursday night and we had our first 'carpet casualty'. SO funny and sooo not. We had pizza for dinner and have very light colored carpet. Need I say more than that? :) I had to rent a rug doctor yesterday to try to get the rest out. Most of it did, but I think there is a shadow of a reminder there to mark our first weeks in a new house. Then, finally it was my turn. Friday I felt horrible all day. I, remarkably, never did throw up, but the time Philip got home that evening from work, I had the cold shivers and my whole body ached liked crazy. I am blessed to say that he sent me upstairs to bed and took care of the kids the rest of the night. I pulled all the curtains closed, turned off the lights, turned on the olympics (thinking I would just rest in the quiet and watch them) and I am bewildered to say that I remember almost nothing past 7 pm! Holy cow, batman! I slept most the way from 7 pm to 7:30 am. I honest to goodness can't remember the last time I got that much sleep in one setting!!! I also don't remember feeling that crummy for a long time, but still!!! I guess there is one perk to getting sick (at least if you have a good husband) - you might get to catch up on some LONG needed sleep!

Well, we have officially been in our house, and in Georgia, for 2 weeks now. I think we are all 'settled in' for the most part. All the boxes are unpacked, except for in the office... which just always seems to get put at the bottom of the list. Christian had his assessment for baseball today and let me just tell you - these folks take their baseball VERY seriously!!! For all of you in Kansas... let me just say, you've never seen anything like this at the YMCA! He's on the 6 year old team and he did his assessment in front of about 15 coaches and scouts today, so that they can all do their draft for the season. DRAFT, people, DRAFT... for 6 year old baseball! Christian showed up in his shorts, tshirt, tennis shoes... with his glove. A majority of the kids were there in full uniform, cleats and have not only their own glove, but their own metal bat and hitting hard-hat. DANG, people! Apparently we will be purchasing a hat and bat before the season starts! :) Thankfully, Christian adores baseball and is very excited about it, I just hope we can keep him from taking himself too seriously. After all, this is still Little League!

We really enjoyed our day as a family today. Philip did yard work, I did grocery shopping, we sat down and had dinner as a family... nothing too exciting, but it was a weekend as a family. To me, I think it's so important. I think it's another part of God "drawing us apart to draw us together". Even though it's so hard being away from our family and friends, it's so bonding to be together as a family each night.. sit around the dinner table and have dinner together. Honestly, it's very much what I always envisioned for my family.... We are still a work in progress, but we are indeed working to get there.!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

LOVE these pics

Probably everyone saw these pictures from my online album, but these two are just my favorite... They seem to capture the essence of all my crazy kids. Just a memory for myself of how cute and sweet they look when they're not all throwing up! :( Ethan, Trinity and Christian have all had round 2 of the flu the last 36 hours. I'm just thankful no one threw up in my bed this time, although Christian did quite a job on the kitchen floor and wall.... Pray that this flu gets the heck out of my house! I feel like I'm cursed!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Prayer couch

Thought I would show my deeper side here (beyond the puke!)... It's been a hard move for us to come to Atlanta. We watched God do a series of miracles (nothing less than miracles!) to make the way open for us to move here. We never imagined that God would send us to Atlanta... we always said when we were dating and first married that we couldn't imagine living in KS forever.. yet we couldn't imagine where we would just decide to go. Then in a series of 3 months, it was so clear that He was paving a way for us to come here. It was so scary and so exciting.... So sad to leave our friends, our neighbors, our church... all that we had known as a married couple and a family. YET, we had such a peace through it all that He was leading us.

Fast forward to this week.. 10 days here, 3 bouts of the flu, disastrous movers, feeling friendless and alone often, still waiting on our house in KS to be rented, technological disasters... we both began to feel very discouraged and alone. I know we've both wondered all of a sudden "Did we do the right thing?". It was so hard visiting a new church Sunday and feeling suddenly so absent from our friends, our church family, our style of worshipping....

In the midst of it all, I felt such a strong calling today to just get on my knees and fall into Jesus. Let me be brutally honest here, and say that I don't 'fall on my knees' as often as I want to or as I should. Our bed is tall - so it's too tall to actually kneel... so I pray before bed, as we lay there.. and more often than I'd like to admit - I fall asleep during prayer. Well, our bedroom here is now large enough we have a small three seater couch. I have decided this will become our "prayer couch". It's in a corner where you can't see the TV, it faces a window of light - so I felt God actually shining warmth on me. He gave me some gentle and some not-so-gentle reminders to not be an Isrealite. He did so many miracles for them to get them out of Egypt and then all they did was complain.... So mark me an "I" for Isrealite.. but I intend to not be one anymore. Just because it's been a rough move and I feel alone, doesn't for a second mean that God didn't lead us here. In fact, I feel like He moved us "apart" so that we could move towards Him. He removed us from so many distractions in our lives, so many things that pull at our attention, so that we could re-focus our attention on Him and our family. I am so thankful to have that in my life - to have someone to run to for help and a reminder that someone else is in control... that sure does release the stress off of ourselves to realize it's not all me!

Please continue to pray for us, and know that as I am at my new prayer couch, I will be praying for you.

The puke curse returns....

So here we are... 10 days in our house and of those days, 3 nights I have now been awoke to someone puking. :( Ethan woke up about 1 am and had thrown up all over his bed. At least this time it was HIS bed, not ours!!!! AND it didn't have the foulest stench known to man... just regular old kid puke. But STILL. SERIOUSLY - how many rounds of this weird flu can we get? He got a blanket/bed on the floor next to our bed and the infamous silver bowl to throw up in.... which he did 3 more times. I'm beginning to feel cursed here!

On a happier note....we seem to have hit it off with some neighbors.. had a really good time just hanging out in the front yards last night. They have four kids - although most older than ours, but they have 3 boys and 1 girl... it encouraged me that we might find friends! :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hummingbirds... our little reminder

Well, in attempt to remain more positive, I want to share one of the small - but amazing blessings that God has shown us since our move. Our kitchen is set up so that you can sit at the kitchen table and look out to the backyard. The first few days here, I would see a hummingbird every now or then.... so the kids and I went to WalMart and bought a hummingbird feeder and some nectar.

We hung it right outside the kitchen window and for the last 3 days we have been watching several different colors of hummingbirds every morning and evening. We have NEVER lived anywhere were there were hummingbirds on a regular basis, and let me tell you - they are the most amazing little creatures. We don't even know much about them, so we're trying to start researching and figure out more...but we've already seen 4 different colors and there seems to be one (he's green with a red neck) and he suddenly seems to be possessive of our feeder!!! It's very amusing to watch and has provided hours (I kid you not) of entertainment to Philip and I and the kids...

I think it's just one of God's little blessings to us for being obedient. Hummingbirds are such amazing creatures - so little and yet so fast... and we now have a bunch of them living right out behind our house! How cool is that???

We also tried a new church today... very nice, but not really our style. It made me cry all the way through the worship service, because it reminded me of what we are missing at home... Sad and yet, it makes us realize that there is a journey in all this. So much to find and discover. Sad to leave the old behind, but there is so much we are learning and we're being stretched in ways we simply couldn't have been in Kansas. We miss you, our friends... and we're still praying for God to send us new friends. In the meantime, He sent us Hummingbirds. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Technology hates me!!!

So if you've tried to call me today or gotten my emails, you know that I'm having technology issues this week also! Can't live without it and hate living with it!

Our brand new, digital phone service has only been making outgoing calls since the day after the Comcast guy came. When you call in, you get a weird clicking sound (FYI if you tried to call me). I didn't discover this until AFTER I emailed out our new home phone number to the entire world, who then all called my cell saying "Hey, did you know your phone doesn't work?".. :) FOUR phone calls later, Comcast says they are coming out tomorrow to fix it. I seriously hate spending HOURS on the phone for one simple problem.

So I already have a phone that isn't getting calls in... and then I figured out after 4 days of voicemails showing up without the phone ringing that my cell phone is also not getting phone calls. Did I mention technology hates me? (I might mention that I worked in IT for five years... and it still hates me!). So now my home and cell phone both don't get calls! So THREE phone calls later to Sprint, turns out that I can't keep my Kansas area code without it screwing up our service .... so I had to say good-bye to another string to our 'old life'.... I know it's not the end of the world, but I just feel like I'm slowing have to cut each tie - day by day. I also might add that in the course of the nine-thousand tech support phone calls, they each ask me "are you calling from the phone having problems" ... "Well, of course I am".... to which they all tell me, "You'll have to call back from another number in order to diagnose the problem." And of course, there is no direct number back, so you have to call the main numbers and go through 10 rounds of "Dial 1 if you are a local customer" blah, blah, blah... I've spent more hours on the phone than I have unpacking this week!!!

I finally have a new Georgia cell phone number and Comcast is coming tomorrow to fix our home phone... so we're on the way to help. BUT, on top of getting thrown up on and unpacking and leaving everything we knew behind... I think I would covet some prayers!

On a slightly more positive note.. I do LOVE our house. I look at it at night when we put the kids to bed and am just in awe of where God has brought us... It's been hard to pick up and leave it all, but we do have a peace that we are exactly where He wants us. That goes a long way to getting you through puke and technical issues... I do hope to find some friends soon and a church, so if you think of us, say a prayer for some good friends! :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Georgia Flu Initiation

If you got my email before, you know that Ethan had the flu last Sunday morning (mind you, we've now been in our house a total of 6 days).... well, Michael got in bed with us last night about 2 am. 3 am - I am brutally and suddenly awakened to someone throwing up in my hair, on my chest and all over our bed. :( Michael caught the flu. And let me just say that this is BY FAR the worst smelling vomit I have ever smelled. Philip and I have both cleaned up our fair share of child-vomit and I kid you not - this is by far the worst EVER - BAR NONE! I had to run for the bathroom myself so I didn't lose my cookies - just from the smell! I just love taking showers at 3:30 am. :(

To top it off, we hadn't quite found our garden hose.. and there was chunks and all - so the sheets from our bed had to sit on the back porch til today when I could find. The clean up today was just as fun as last night. Tell me, WHO gets the flu in AUGUST????

So, of course, I have been obsessively washing my hands and lysol-ing everything in site. Way to christen our brand new house, boys! Welcome to Georgia!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome to Georgia

Well, I used to be much better at keeping up to date on things, and keeping up with people... but as we've had more and more kids, I've got worse and worse! BUT, I am going to attempt to get better because we are now several states away from most of our family and friends - and I desperately want to keep in touch.

We are finally moved and sort-of-settled... Still unpacking boxes and no pictures are hung, but everyone has a bed and clothes, so it's a start! I'm the kind who would like to have it all done in a day, but that is simply not realistic, all things considered!

Christian started kindergarten today! HOLY COW! Where did the last 5 years go? My baby is all grown up! They only have all day kindergarten here, and he loves it... He has to be at school at 7.45 am though, so not too fond of that... nor is mommy, who is not a morning person. :) He rides the bus home from school and it felt so surreal to be walking the other kids to the bus stop to pick him up!! It's amazing to watch 'who' my kids are becoming. Christian is definitely my little leader!!!

Anyways, we are slowly adjusting here, and I am going to attempt to keep up on my blog - so we can stay in touch!