Well, I used to be much better at keeping up to date on things, and keeping up with people... but as we've had more and more kids, I've got worse and worse! BUT, I am going to attempt to get better because we are now several states away from most of our family and friends - and I desperately want to keep in touch.
We are finally moved and sort-of-settled... Still unpacking boxes and no pictures are hung, but everyone has a bed and clothes, so it's a start! I'm the kind who would like to have it all done in a day, but that is simply not realistic, all things considered!
Christian started kindergarten today! HOLY COW! Where did the last 5 years go? My baby is all grown up! They only have all day kindergarten here, and he loves it... He has to be at school at 7.45 am though, so not too fond of that... nor is mommy, who is not a morning person. :) He rides the bus home from school and it felt so surreal to be walking the other kids to the bus stop to pick him up!! It's amazing to watch 'who' my kids are becoming. Christian is definitely my little leader!!!
Anyways, we are slowly adjusting here, and I am going to attempt to keep up on my blog - so we can stay in touch!
Growing Boys
16 years ago
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