Before I start on anything else..... we had yet one more round of the flu!! Christian threw up again Thursday night and we had our first 'carpet casualty'. SO funny and sooo not. We had pizza for dinner and have very light colored carpet. Need I say more than that? :) I had to rent a rug doctor yesterday to try to get the rest out. Most of it did, but I think there is a shadow of a reminder there to mark our first weeks in a new house. Then, finally it was my turn. Friday I felt horrible all day. I, remarkably, never did throw up, but the time Philip got home that evening from work, I had the cold shivers and my whole body ached liked crazy. I am blessed to say that he sent me upstairs to bed and took care of the kids the rest of the night. I pulled all the curtains closed, turned off the lights, turned on the olympics (thinking I would just rest in the quiet and watch them) and I am bewildered to say that I remember almost nothing past 7 pm! Holy cow, batman! I slept most the way from 7 pm to 7:30 am. I honest to goodness can't remember the last time I got that much sleep in one setting!!! I also don't remember feeling that crummy for a long time, but still!!! I guess there is one perk to getting sick (at least if you have a good husband) - you might get to catch up on some LONG needed sleep!
Well, we have officially been in our house, and in Georgia, for 2 weeks now. I think we are all 'settled in' for the most part. All the boxes are unpacked, except for in the office... which just always seems to get put at the bottom of the list. Christian had his assessment for baseball today and let me just tell you - these folks take their baseball VERY seriously!!! For all of you in Kansas... let me just say, you've never seen anything like this at the YMCA! He's on the 6 year old team and he did his assessment in front of about 15 coaches and scouts today, so that they can all do their draft for the season. DRAFT, people, DRAFT... for 6 year old baseball! Christian showed up in his shorts, tshirt, tennis shoes... with his glove. A majority of the kids were there in full uniform, cleats and have not only their own glove, but their own metal bat and hitting hard-hat. DANG, people! Apparently we will be purchasing a hat and bat before the season starts! :) Thankfully, Christian adores baseball and is very excited about it, I just hope we can keep him from taking himself too seriously. After all, this is still Little League!
We really enjoyed our day as a family today. Philip did yard work, I did grocery shopping, we sat down and had dinner as a family... nothing too exciting, but it was a weekend as a family. To me, I think it's so important. I think it's another part of God "drawing us apart to draw us together". Even though it's so hard being away from our family and friends, it's so bonding to be together as a family each night.. sit around the dinner table and have dinner together. Honestly, it's very much what I always envisioned for my family.... We are still a work in progress, but we are indeed working to get there.!
Growing Boys
16 years ago
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