Well, after being knocked off-line for a couple of days, I think I'm back up and running! I kid you not, I've never had such a run of technological issues.. :( ALL our internet, cable and digital phone went out on Tuesday and it's a super long story, but it took twenty million phone calls and two days to get it back up. NOT a happy camper. My cell phone continues to only work on whichever days and hours it decides... so I spent another long list of hours on the phone trying to get it fixed, as well as a trip to a repair center with THREE kids.... until I finally called insurance this morning and I'm just gonna pay my $50 deductible and have them send me a brand new one. :( Apparently my phone thinks I'm still in KS, even though I have a GA number, address and everything else and nothing that is easy to fix can apparently tell it otherwise. So hopefully, in a few days a nice happy new phone will show up and WORK.
In the meantime, we've had Bear off to the vet to get neutered and Trinity to the doctor. Poor girl is still fighting a double ear infection, which explains why she's up twice a night and clingy as can be!
CROSSING my fingers, but no one has thrown in our house in over 5 days. YIPPEE... let's hope that continues! :)
Growing Boys
16 years ago
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