After a week of praying, "God, send me a friend"...."God tell me why we had to move"... etc, etc. (Think, whining Isrealite!), I've decided to change my perspective. I gave myself an attitude adjustment this week and in the "Prayer of Jabez" mindset (great reading for anyone who's never read it), I'm trying to start praying instead "God, send me to be a friend to someone who needs it". "God, show me ways to make the best of living here", "God, use me in someway to be a light in the middle of this area". I say all that because it's been somewhat of a culture shock. I guess I never realized that we really did live in the middle of the Bible Belt in the midwest. There were christian people everywhere we went.... and now I feel like I live in the middle of a dry desert. I honest to goodness don't know that I've met one single person who I can identify as a christian, outside of the two families we already knew when we moved here. I know there were christian people in the churches we visited (but, heck, it would be pretty sad if you went to church and there wasn't!).... I'm talking about all the neighbors we've met, people at the stores, ANYWHERE! We constantly talk about "When we went to church Sunday" or "We're looking for churches to visit"... In Kansas, people would've usually struck up a conversation about "Oh, we go here, or we have friends who love this church.". Honest to goodness, people here look at me like I'm from another planet when I talk about going to church. It's a really hard thing and a really good thing. Nothing like reaffirming what you believe and why when you're the only one who believes it! :) I still believe God has 'Drawn up apart to draw us close and to draw us together'... But after 3 1/2 weeks of spending all day with 2 toddlers and a baby, a girlfriend would be nice! :)
I keep thinking that when we find a church, it will be different and we'll make friends there. We probably will, and I hope we will....but it may be a few months before we find the church that feels like home. So, in the meantime, I might need to broaden my horizens and find a mommy group or something... instead of waiting for people to reach out to me, maybe I need to reach out to them. How will they ever know that I AM a christian if I don't live it out? So, for anyone out there that's still praying for us, please also change your prayers. Pray for me to find someone who needs me to be their friend and that we find the people around us who need us to be their light......
Growing Boys
16 years ago
Oh my little girl!! I miss you soooo much and can't wait til that other girl finds you to be her friend. The planet needs you as a friend. You have so much to give other people...especially women...esp. mommies. I'm praying praying praying for her and you to become fast friends. Please try a church 6 times before you decide it isn't for you. YOu may have just hit a day when the minister wasn't "on" or the place wasn't full (summer, you know) go 6 times THEN decide it isn't right. I miss all of you very much!! Crying is good, by the way....very very good. It means that you love and you are loved! Let the waterworks happen!
I love all of you,
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