After almost 5+ years, my digital camera has it's last foot out the door. :( Hence, the lack of cool pictures to share with everyone lately. So.... for less than $100 or so dollars, does anyone have any good suggestions for a digital camera? I haven't had to buy one for years, so I"m out of touch with the new offerings.
Well, I've been calling around to gyms here in the area, and have it narrowed down to the YMCA (more expensive, but possibly more to offer) and another club called Fitness 19. It's cheaper, by quite a bit, but I'm going to look at it tomorrow and see what the childcare is like. The lady on the phone sounded shocked that I would always have at least 3 kids with me (if not all 4)... so not sure if that's a good sign or not. I haven't ran or worked out in probably 6-8 weeks now and I MISS it sooo much. I figure since I have so much more time on my hands, its' a good outlet for something to do for me. So hopefully I'll get it figured out and get my booty back in shape!
I feel really emotional this week. Like, I cry at the drop of a hat... at commercials, stupid stuff. I know I'm not pregnant (Thank goodness!), so I think it just must be stress or 'decompression'... I hate feeling so out of control of my emotions! :) Another good reason I need to workout again and get myself back into order.
On a side not... Trinity is at the most delightful age... she just crawls everywhere and follows us through the house... She's starting to say more words and I've taught her the sign for "all done".. It's still amazing to me that I have a daughter! A little girl! I'm just in love!
Growing Boys
16 years ago
1 comment:
Well as someone who has known you since you were not much older than a child yourself, I know that your ability to adjust to change is being tested. You have always been "in control" of certain aspects of your world.
You have been through so much diversity in your life, but have always been most comfortable when you were able to determine aspects of that diversity.
Through many of the trials in your life you were a single girl or a partner to your best friend Philip. As wonderful and fulfilling as children are, they are a bit of wild cards when you are in a point in your life when you are out of your own element. Sometimes you are meant to be isolated to give time and peace to become an observer, or to learn something that the hustle and bustle of everyday life blocks out.
As a mom of a kiddo with autism and a person that has moved all over the country, I have learned, (kicking and screaming the whole way), that during times when it is difficult to find your way, usually it isn't long before you realize that you are meant to be going into a direction that you are least expecting or least comfortable.
I think that you are correct that an additude adjustment was needed. You are a valuable tool in Gods tool box, I have a feeling that he is trying to show you that you are needed somewhere unexpected. :-)
Are there any places that you have been avoiding or that you feel adverse to going??
You may want to give them a try. Until then, continue to observe life around you and of course, continue to enjoy your children.
All my love - C
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