Well, in attempt to remain more positive, I want to share one of the small - but amazing blessings that God has shown us since our move. Our kitchen is set up so that you can sit at the kitchen table and look out to the backyard. The first few days here, I would see a hummingbird every now or then.... so the kids and I went to WalMart and bought a hummingbird feeder and some nectar.
We hung it right outside the kitchen window and for the last 3 days we have been watching several different colors of hummingbirds every morning and evening. We have NEVER lived anywhere were there were hummingbirds on a regular basis, and let me tell you - they are the most amazing little creatures. We don't even know much about them, so we're trying to start researching and figure out more...but we've already seen 4 different colors and there seems to be one (he's green with a red neck) and he suddenly seems to be possessive of our feeder!!! It's very amusing to watch and has provided hours (I kid you not) of entertainment to Philip and I and the kids...
I think it's just one of God's little blessings to us for being obedient. Hummingbirds are such amazing creatures - so little and yet so fast... and we now have a bunch of them living right out behind our house! How cool is that???
We also tried a new church today... very nice, but not really our style. It made me cry all the way through the worship service, because it reminded me of what we are missing at home... Sad and yet, it makes us realize that there is a journey in all this. So much to find and discover. Sad to leave the old behind, but there is so much we are learning and we're being stretched in ways we simply couldn't have been in Kansas. We miss you, our friends... and we're still praying for God to send us new friends. In the meantime, He sent us Hummingbirds. :)
Growing Boys
16 years ago
How quickly life changes! Hey - thanks for sending a link to your blog. :) After reading this entry I wanted to let you know that my mom is a walking book of information on hummingbirds. She has a village of them at her house and has quickly become an expert. :) You should send her an email if you ever have any questions... Take care! And, I hope your new home feels a little more like "home" every day!!
Isn't God great....the little ways he knows how to show us his love! The simplicity of life! I'm so glad you started this ...keep up the good work...I'll try to update our's soon!
Love Tabs
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