Well, the younger kids and I tried a new place today called "Java Jumps". It's the most fantastic idea ever!! It's a coffee shop that is half coffee shop and half blow-up jumping toys for kids. Did I mention it's the most novel concept?? You pay a small fee for your kids to jump and then you sit and drink your coffee while watching them. HELLO, I found my new favorite place! :) I might be exaggerating a little, but it is quite cool. Michael and Ethan had a chance to jump to their heart's content and I was able to sit with Trinity and chill out. It was very quiet there today and I met a lady who was there with her 4 year old granddaughter. We sat and chatted the whole hour and a half we were there... and let me just say how much I enjoyed conversation with a perfect stranger! Either I'm desperate for adult conversation or God is stretching me (or a little of both!). Her grandaughter was adopted from China, and we talked about kids and raising them and just a whole variety of things. Let me just say that in Kansas, I would have been on a playdate with a friend and probably wouldn't have felt the need to talk to a stranger... and yet, it was strangely refreshing. Again, very "Prayer of Jabez"-esque.... Moving to a place where I know no one, is teaching me to be more open and oh... what's the word - agreeable, maybe? After 13 years of living in the same area, I felt very comfortable with my group of friends and with who I was.... and now, God is definitely doing a work in me, about meeting new people, sharing myself and trying to learn more about them. I'm excited to see how God uses me and how I can be a better friend and a better 'person' to the people around me. It's not all that fun all the time, but it kind of feels good too. Very much like the soreness you get when you start working out after a long break. It hurts and it's sore, but it also feels good because you know you're doing something good for your body....
On an absolutely CRAZY note.. We got home from Java Jumps and Christian's teacher calls me. She asked if everything was alright at home... to which I replied yes. Apparently, Christian told an aide and his teacher that his Dad died last night! HELLO - YES, that his dad died! First off, GOD FORBID that happened, he certainly wouldn't be at school the next day!!!!!! Secondly, if for some absurd reason he WAS at school, I would have called his teacher the first thing and forewarned her. HOLY COW! I honestly cannot think of a single good reason he would say that (maybe he had a bad dream or something!), but you can be sure we'll be talking about it when he gets home!!! I'm not so much mad or upset, as I am completely mystified!!! I don't know if it's an attempt to get attention because of all the changes or what, but HELLO!!!! Philip got him dressed and on the school bus this morning, so he was as alive as could be! I should probably write this one down somewhere, cause its one for the books!
Growing Boys
16 years ago
1 comment:
I had NO idea you moved! Glad to hear it is just as crazy there as it is here :)
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