Well, you can see from the pictures that we rented a boat on Saturday for half a day at Lake Allatoona. It took us exactly 15 MINUTES to get from our house to the boat dock... I think I just found a HUGE perk to living where we do! We had SOOO much fun yesterday on the boat. We swam and fished and drove around... just relaxed and enjoyed having Grandpa here. Trinity was an angel and slept on the floor of the boat for an hour even. We caught a few little fish (which the boys had fun 'petting') and it was just all around fun. After living somewhere that you had to drive 2+ hours to camp and boat, etc.. it's amazing that this is literally minutes from our door! Obviously, we can't afford to rent a boat on a regular basis, but it sure will be fun for special occasions! It was probably the most fun day we've had since we moved, and I almost felt like it was 'home' in some ways.... We're getting there, a step at a time.
I think it helps that Grandpa is here this weekend too! It's feels much more like home having my dad here... so please add that to your prayer list. He can't move without a job, so we need a job for him ASAP! We have a full, finished basement - which is basically an apartment and it's just waiting for him! I think the Chinese have something right in that concept where their grandparents/parents live with them.
We also had a fantastic Sunday. We visited First Baptist Church of Woodstock, and although we've never been Baptist, it was a great service. For us, it's VERY large, ...I'd say thousands of people... so that would be a big change, but other than just getting used to the size, we felt very at home and really enjoyed the service. We missed part of the worship service getting the kids checked into childrens' church... (which they loved), but really we enjoyed it - and that feels REALLY good to say! I know we'll visit again next week and maybe even more.. It would really be different to attend somewhere that big, and we've always been rather "anti-megachurch", but you never know where God wants you.. so we'll see! But it was really nice to be somewhere that we did at least feel 'at home'. :)
Really, it's been a great weekend - and it's not over!
Really, it's been a great weekend - and it's not over!