"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm27: 13-14
God showed me this verse back in 2001, right after Alexandra was born and we were trying to get pregnant again. I was so impatient to have another baby in my arms and felt so abused by life... and so I wrote in a notecard and taped it to our mirror. Well, I finally took that taped card down when we moved to Georgia. So after 7 years of reading it everyday, that verse is permanently ingrained in the minds of Philip and I.
As you know, even though we have a great peace about moving here, I am still often mystified as to 'why' God chose to uproot us from our family and friends. I trust Him, but I am such an analytical person that I always want to know why before I do something... and generally, in my experience, God works in precisely the opposite fashion. He says "Go" and doesn't tell you why until you're already there. This has been such a hard thing to learn. So, fast forward to yesterday.... actually, I have to give some background. Philip works for a contracting firm called CAS. (He works AT Cox Communications, but as a consultant for now). The consulting firm and Cox both know that within a year or so, he will convert to an employee.. but for a LOOONNG list of reasons, things are fine as is. Anyways, he has put into a Director position, and is hiring a team of employees to form his "quality assurance" team. The consulting firm, CAS, is basically made up of a bunch of guys who travel during the week (a few live here like Philip), and travel home on the weekends.... well, Philip has turned into a beacon of light amongst some guys who like to party it up like they're in college. Actually worse than college in many ways. :) SOOO.. fast forward to this week. Philip hires two employees last week.. a man and a woman.
To make a lloong story short, he talked with both of them yesterday at various times. They both knew that he would be out today and tomorrow for Christian's surgery. He talked with the woman, who said "Just want you to know that I'll be praying for your son". Philip says, "Thank you.. I believe in the power of prayer, so I appreciate that.". Well... 30 minutes later, the story comes out that this woman is a wonderful christian lady! Despite having many other job offers, God told her that THIS was the job for her and she actually waited a month for Philip to be able to offer the job to her, as well as taking a salary that wasn't the highest on her list in job offers.. Because GOD told her to. AMAZING. Philip also discovered that the man he hired is ALSO a wonderful man of God... So, amongst being in a 'den of lions' (as we call it), Philip is now surrounded by two employees who are Jesus loving, praying, people of God. If I believed in coincidence, well... But I DON'T! I believe our steps are orchestrated by God, and that He led us here. Maybe He led us to these two people, maybe He led them to us (as you might remember, we feel like we're in the middle of a desert, as far as Christians go)... but however He worked it, HE DEFINTELY worked it! :) I don't know if you've ever read the "Left Behind" series.. but I feel like it's kind of like in those books, where God led the people that needed each other the most to encounters, at just the precise moment they each needed it most. God is so good. I still understand all the why's and how's and such, but man, it's amazing to see him reveal it to us!
Christian should be going into surgery soon... Philip is with him and I'm home with the other kids... Will update!
Growing Boys
16 years ago
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