First off, I must be changing or crazy or desperate for adult conversation. :) Philip plays tennis on Wednesday nights, so I'm home with the kids those days from "dawn to dusk", as I call it. :) Tonight, my doorbell rang and lo and behold, there were three men at my door. Not scary men, but very nice men! They were from First Baptist Church, where we visited on Sunday. They were making a follow up call to just say hi, welcome to the church, etc... Now, it's been a VERRRY long time since I've had anyone from a church show up on my doorstep on a call like that. Years and years, I'd venture to say. And up until now, I would have considered those type of people oh..intrusive and a bother... How did I feel tonight? Positively thrilled! :) Thrilled to feel welcomed by other Christians, thrilled to have someone show up on my doorstep - JUST TO TALK TO ME... Yep, I think I'm certifiable. :) They invited us to their Sunday school class/care group for young couples, and I am so starved for friendships, that by golly, you don't have to invite me twice! :) Seriously, if you knew me when I lived in Kansas, you know what I'm saying... and that it's very 'not me'. But again, apparently God moved us to help teach me some lessons and stretch me (I seem to be seeing a theme here, people!)
I am probably also crazy, because as you saw in my last post, I am seriously contemplating my future. Why? I have no idea.. I think I have too much time on my hands right now. :) But, after a whopping two days of debating, I really do think I want to become a nurse!!!! Again, if you know me at all, I don't tend to sit on decisions and mull over them for very long. For better or worse, I tend to be a 'fly by the seat of my pants' kinda gal... Now, granted, I can't really rush into this one. I have four small children, three of whom aren't yet in school... and I am apparently lacking some required education!!! :) Yep, I'm thinking of going back to school! I've started checking around some schools/nursing schools in the area and their programs. Granted, I have a bachelor's already, which covers most of the prereqs, but I'm still missing chemistry and labs, as well as Anatomy and Physiology and labs... It will be interesting to see how/when this all works out. One of the schools I looked at had an accelerated program, which is 16 months long, but it's pretty much all day, 4 to 5 days a week for that time period.... So, I don't know. I would need to start slow, I'm not a rigid time schedule, so I"m hoping to find something I can do more, a little at a time - as well as maybe some on-line, etc.. I would love to be a Labor & Delivery nurse.. I just think it would be the most amazing thing to help deliver babies everyday. I mean, seriously - what is more awesome than seeing new lives born? I know there is obviously a little more 'blood and guts' to it all than that (I've given birth 5 times, I know a thing or two about the blood and guts!)... but I still just think it would be an amazing job to help be a part of that..... SO, please say a prayer as I try to figure out how to do something amazing, as well as the amazing job of raising our kids. There has to be a balance, and they have to be my priority for now, so lots of decisions to be made in the future.
Growing Boys
16 years ago
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