As Christian has started kindergarten and I now have one of the kids in school all day, I've started to find myself pondering a new question. What would you do (career wise) if you were able to start over? No salary requirements, just picking a new job or career?
You see, within the next 3-5 years, I will have a really unique chance to start over in a job/career. We have moved away from Sprint, where I spent 5 years of my career in telecommunications. Not sure that's what I intended to do with my life, but it was a very good job and paid quite well.... I have a bachelors in pscyhology and an MBA.... and as my kids get into school full time, I plan to go back to work at least part-time. I would love to still be home about the time they are from school, etc.... but what in the world would I do with myself all day, once all of them are in school? So I've started to think ahead to "What do I want to do when I grow up?" I can't go back to the job I worked before (again, not sure I'd want to) and probably wouldn't even choose to go back to IT. I've owned my own business, which is now sold.... so what do I want to do with myself? Very difficult question! Salary really isn't the deciding factor, as with a lot of people - because we've already been living on Philip's salary for 4 years. So, I feel like in some ways, I'm fresh out of college again - what do I want to do with myself?
I'd love to go be a Labor & Delivery nurse... except, I don't want to go back to school to get an R.N. when I already have two degrees and enough college loans to last me for 20 years... Hmm... I really want to teach at the college level someday.. so I might explore some community colleges to start with, but I would probably need to go back and get my PhD...
Anyways, lots to think about? Got any suggestions? What would you do?
Growing Boys
16 years ago
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