Hey all, just wanted to update. We went to the Pediatric ENT this morning, in order to find out why Christian is having so many horrible nosebleeds. (Not sure if I mentioned, but between Sat and Sunday (36 hours) he had 6. That's the most we've had, but still, kind of alarming for a 5 year old. ANyways, she discovered today that he has a "pyogenic granuloma papilloma". Best I can find on the internet is that it's a overgrowth of tissue that forms. I'm still researching, but anyways, the only way to fix it is surgically. So he will go in on Thursday and have outpatient surgery for it, as well as cauterizing some blood vessels on the right side of his nose. Apparently it's growing rapidly and is the reason his nosebleeds have been so severe and frequent. They also mentioned that they have to send it off to pathology, which sent off red alarms, but the doctor assured me that these aren't malignant. I'm not sure why they start, but she seemed to think it was rather uncommon in kids so young. I'm anxious for his nosebleeds to stop, but poor little fellow - I don't think it will be too fun for him. If anyone knows anything about these, please let me know! Everything I find on the internet is a bunch of medical jumbo that I'm trying to figure out.
ADDED: I found this definition somewhere on the internet "Pyogenic granuloma is a benign, rapidly growing hemorrhagic lesion of unknown origin. ' Helpful, huh?
ADDED: I hope she doesn't mind, but my friend Amy (from college), who is now a doctor (you go girl!) sent me this information. " Pyogenic granulomas- Usually these start at the sight of an injury- so anything- a scratch in his nose, a spontaneous nose bleed that scabs - anyway, for whatever reason instead of healing right, the body starts over growing- and it's usally a bright red/bloody type of tissue. They won't heal unless you surgically remove (or if it's on the hand or soemthing a simple office procedure). I think , because of where it's at, he has to have surgery- but the hope is to get rid of it!!! I think the term papilloma that your doc used was because it looked finger like (papilloma is the term for skin tags- things that kind of hang down) I'm betting it's more of that shape so she tagged it on the end of the pyogenic granuloma term. " Thanks Amy.. that is way more clear than anything I've found!!!
Please keep him in your prayers this week. I know it's just outpatient surgery, but as a mom, you know you tend to worry anytime your child goes under... so add a prayer for mom and dad.
Times like this is when I go "OH why am I so far away from all our friends and family!" Because I am not sure of being able to find someone to stay with the other kids, I imagine one of us will have to stay with them and one of us go with Christian. It makes me again thankful for the support system we had in Kansas and DESPERATELY miss it. I had a list of a dozen people there I could have called, that would have stayed with the other kids, so we could both go... I guess again, God is showing us to rely on him and on each other.. but dang if it's not a hard lesson to learn.
Please also continue to pray about our house! I heard from the company that's managing it, and there is a family that is approved and that wants it, but is working on getting their $$ together.. so pray that happens quickly! We really want to take the whole family home in October, but we have alot of hesitance about the financial part of that if we're still paying two mortgages.. Maybe I should start playing the lottery. :):):)
Growing Boys
16 years ago
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