Well, it has been a wonderful weekend. A reminder that I still think God "Drew us apart to draw us together." We spent pretty much the whole weekend together as a family. It was relaxing and just wonderful.
Saturday, we took the advice of my new friend Kristin and took the kids to a local Game Ranch/Wildlife Reserve. It's about an hour drive, close to Stone Mountain. OH My goodness, it was worth the 50 minute drive!!! We had so much fun, as you can tell from the pictures! It's filled with deer, squirrels, chickens, rabbits, pigs, bears, cougars (the dangerous animals are caged) and more... The deer and the tame animals just wander through the park and are fed, petted... it's amazing! We had deer following us, eating from our hands - they even let the kids hug them! The squirrels would literally run up to you, sit on their back feet and beg from you. It was simply awesome to be so close to all of these 'wild animals'!!!! Makes me think how wonderful it must have been in the Garden of Eden - where Adam and Eve walked among the animals and just 'hung' with them, as my kids would say. I can't even imagine walking beside a mountain lion... talking with them maybe? All beyond my imagination, but our little glimpse this weekend was exhilirating! We plan to take the rest of our family when they come for Christmas!
I'm off tomorrow night to do my first bargain workshop here, and then spending the week getting ready for my long journey with the kids!! :) Anyone have any extra benadryl?:)
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