Well, since moving, I have been FRUITFULLY enjoying living in the land of double coupons!! :) Both Publix and Kroger (my local grocery stores) double coupons up to .50... and have some dang good sales too! We moved and had to start totally over with freezer goods, which sucks, cause I had my whole deep freeze packed (we gave the deep freeze away to Jonathan and Tabby). So anyways, I now have a side by side freezer upstairs and another one downstairs.. not as big as a deep freeze, but still. I have now FILLED those freezers to the BRIM, and pretty much for almost nothing. :) Not to mention the slew of other great deals I've found.
Anyways, Philip has been telling some of his co-workers about my bargain shopping classes, as well as some of our new neighbors. I also met a lady the other day at CVS, as I was checking out... I was having a particularly good "CVS" night.. paid almost nothing for an entire cartful of stuff. She wanted to know how I did that, and after a little talk, she is hosting my next Bargain Shopping workshop here.
I might just say that I was content to let that go... not that I don't enjoy it and not that I don't think it's a great thing to share... I just figured that since I hardly knew anyone here that it wasn't realistic to start something that basically requires networking. I guess God has other plans!!! I am trying to let myself just be used by him, however he wants!!!
Growing Boys
16 years ago
1 comment:
How did you learn all of your "tricks"? Did you learn by experience or did you read a book...? That is awesome!
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