Well, God has both a mission AND a sense of humor!!! As everyone knows, it's been a long couple of months of 'church hunting'. To go from a church home that literally is HOME and family, and to try to find that again is nothing short of miraculous....and well, probably wrong. God didn't lead us 14 hours away to put us in the same spot.
We've visited several churches, both big and small. I think we were looking for a fit, for family, for a place we felt like 'home'. Last week and today, we visited a church called "The River". It's a church plant, located about 5 minutes from our house, and is about 120 people. It's a young church, rough around the edges... Worship isn't that smooth yet, there are so many things that are still being figured out. Last week, we came home and Philip said that something 'clicked' for him... that he felt like maybe there was a spot for us and work to be done. Quite honestly, I came home thinking "well, where do we try next"? We even had another church we planned on visiting today, but decided last night that it was too far and for convenience sake, we would go to The River again.
Did I mention that God has a sense of humor? :) Today's message was about Jonah and Ninevah... how God sent him to Ninevah and it wasn't what Jonah had envisioned for his life. Well, call me Jonah. God gently - okay, NOT so gently, reminded me that He sent us here for reasons. Not just for Philip's job, not just for the friends we're making, but for a plethora of reasons. I believe the River might be part of that. There is a time to 'be served' and a time to 'serve'. I believe, after being so loved, taught, trained, blessed.. etc, that God has moved us to another place and another part of the journey, and that its time to put some of that to use. He has built in us a strong foundation of faith and family, and there is a need for us at the River. I guess I feel like we spent 10 years in Kansas being 'raised' like we raise our kids. Now we are (so to speak) like the 18 year old, being booted out and told that 'it's time to practice what you were taught'.....
Anyways, long story short,.. I think we found our church! It's not at all what we were expecting, nor looking for, and yet, I believe God has a place for us there. I am dreading it and excited, all at the same time... if that makes sense. Excited to see what He has for us and how He continues to stretch us.. as well as dreading the 'stretching pains' that will inevitably come along. We are where we are.. right where He put us. Thank you for the prayers of leading, as I believe He is showing us a step at a time. Funny how Gods plan is almost NEVER what we foresee, and yet turns out to be just perfect.
Now if we can just get someone to rent our house in Kansas! :)
Growing Boys
16 years ago
1 comment:
Where there's a will, there's a way! He definitely had a plan for you this morning! :) I'm excited for the Preiser family!!!
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