My baby is ONE today!! My baby girl, for whom I prayed for 5 years for - is turning one!!! I still distinctly remember the day, in my prayer time, when God told me, "You will have another baby. A daughter. Her name will be Trinity Zion, for she will be a new beginning and a healing." I wasn't pregnant yet, and in fact, we weren't both on board to even have another baby yet... Now, I'm not one to doubt God or his voice, but considering what He was saying was exactly what I'd been hoping for ever since the day Alexandra died (another daughter), it was almost one of those 'too good to be true'. A few weeks later, Philip said "Let's have another baby"... and exactly four weeks later, I was pregnant. :) I held those words so close to my heart, hoping that they truly were God and that she was a girl. At 20 weeks, Lynn (the same sonogram technician who was there and told us that Alexandra had died) said, "I can tell you 100% what you're having. That, my friend, is a little girl!" I still am tearing up just thinking about it. Philip and I cried all day, I think!! I love my boys more than words will ever express, and yet, there was something so healing for me about having another daughter. She truly has been lived up to her name "Zion" ... she has healed a part of my heart that was, until now, untouched. After a scheduled induction, in which she never progressed past a 4, 28 hours of labor, then a c-section - she is worth all the wait!
She is now walking and trying to talk, and has been the sweetest, most amazing little girl I could have ever asked for! I pray that with a name as powerful as her, that God continues to use her in amazing ways! Happy Birthday, baby~!