I did this on facebook, and thought I'd share.
25 Things about Me!
1. I am totally anal/OCD. I make every bed in our house - every day. Without fail. Don't know why, just have to do it...
2. I always wanted to have four girls when I was growing up. I have three boys... what does that tell you about plans? ;)
3. I have friends in my life that I met on the internet. Make fun of me if you must, but we've met up in real life and they're nice people. It's the 21st century!
4. I always wanted to be an actress growing up. Must be why I'm so dramatic
5. My hair gotten more wavy/curly with every child I've had. Weird.
6. In the summer, I love to turn on the AC in the car AND roll the windows down at the same time. Waste of A/C, I know.. but I still like it.
7. I love to rearrange our furniture. Like - totally love it. I don't actually think I'm a good decorator, but I think I just like change.
8. I hate winter and snow. It's fine to go to Colorado and go skiing.. but the rest of the year, I'm great with temps above 65. :) Georgia is suiting me just fine in this area.
9. I'm, by nature, quite distrustful of people. I think it's a weakness... take it or like it, it's just innately how I am.
10. I'm a 'spender' by nature. I'm bad about making impulsive buys. I am currently reforming this, but I think it's a demon I'll always have to fight.
11. I've gotten an epidural with all my kids. Gotta love modern medicine.
12. I collect miniature clocks. Have no idea why I started collecting them, but I LOVE them. Come to my house and you can see my collection.
13. Diamonds TOTALLY are a girls' best friend.. I certainly do love them.
14. I love having a collection of perfume. Something about owning several scents makes me feel rich...?? Weird, I know.
15. I totally love getting acrylic nails. I hate paying 15 bucks every two weeks to get them filled, hence why I don't do it very often.
16. I'm a good speller. I made it some high-up level in school at the spelling bee. Probably makes me a nerd, but oh well.
17. I also loving tanning. In the bed or in the sun.. I know it gives you wrinkles, I know it can cause cancer... still love falling asleep in the sun, and I just like me better with a tan.
18. I had almost a full ride scholarship to college if I would have stayed in Missouri. I turned it down to attend a private Christian college in KS. I met my friends and husband there... but looking back, (and paying off student loans) one has to wonder what I was thinking.
19. I'm not a good cook. I can make a good meal now and then, but really - I'm not. I just get lucky at times!
20. I love learning, love school. Again, probably makes me a nerd... I don't care anymore, - it's a freedom I think comes with your 30's.
21. I always wanted to be 5'8". Don't know why.. seemed just tall enough and not too tall. Instead I'm 5'2". My kids don't have much hope of being tall.22. I have always loved and still love making up baby names. One of the funnest part of having kids was getting to name them.
23. I love taking pictures.
24. I LOOOVVE going to the movies.LOVE it.. One of the things I miss most while having four kids...
25. I love Texas Hold "em poker. Wanna play?
Growing Boys
16 years ago